Friday, January 8, 2010

It's None of My Boobness

I'm tired of women using their boobs to draw attention to themselves. I recently unfollowed two women whom I followed peacefully on Twitter without incident until they decided they needed to change their avatars to boob shots. Just boobs. Boobs in a tight shirt. No face. Juuuust the boobs.

What is THAAAT? I DMed one of my BFFs. Who needs attention that much? It's not like they're hookers. I don't follow hookers. It's exasperating. I think she told me "I know, I saw that- just unfollow the whores". So I did. 

Oh, and before you think this is some flat-chested non-boober going on a jealous rant, think again. I'm stacked. Always have been, always will be. Lots of women are, sometimes over-stacked. In fact, I'm writing a post for my new style blog which will probably be entitled "What About My Boobs?" because I got some input about a recent post. Women need advice on how to dress around their boobs and work the jewelry with them. I'm on it. And I have no problem with this. I'm sure it can be done tastefully.

But unless you're a plastic surgeon? Give us all a break? If you're not for sale? Have a little class and self-respect. Put away the boobs. I already know what they look like. And I don't need four. 

Addendum: "What about my Boobs?" post is now live at


  1. oh amen sistah! Give the boobs a rest. If we wanted them to be up front and in our face we would have named it a boobitar, not an avatar. crap on toast...

  2. HAHA why didn't I think of that. Next time somebody changes a perfectly good avvie to boobs, I will compliment them on their boobitar before unfollowing. : )

  3. Beautifully-put, Sueanne! It's unfortunate that women feel the need to highlight those assets, rather than their smiles or better yet, their brains. It also makes me wonder what those women are utilizing Social Media sites for.

    I love your idea to focus on how to downplay boobs in your other blog. Professionally, it is very difficult to be taken seriously if I'm wearing an outfit that shows off my breasts. I'd rather put my best...foot...forward!

  4. Nice blog miss... couldn't have said it any better myself.

  5. You know there always has to be a disclaimer in "Sueanneville"

  6. I am not offended by boobage on avatars, though I do prefer to see faces. I think maybe using boobs on avatars is one of the techniques they teach in those "Learn how to get 16,000 Twitter followers in 90 days" links.

  7. The boobage I refer to is put in the avatars AFTER I follow. So in fact I have been TRICKED into following a non-BOOBAGE babe, when in FACT that is not the case.

  8. Hypothetical question: Following your same logic, would it be wrong to un-follow someone who you followed precisely because of their avatar boobage, who later changed it to a non-boobage avatar? I guess Twitter need to institute some kind of truth in advertising policy that requires all women to have twibbons on their avatars indicating whether they are a boobage or non-boobage babe.

  9. Absolutely. According to the Boobification Proclamation (1974) One does not have the right to de-boob once they have boobed. Thank you for bringing up a very important point.
